Kristen Hamilton, affectionately known as Krissy, is a seasoned professional choreographer hailing from the southwest, where she honed her craft in various esteemed establishments. With a rich background in dance spanning across New York, Los Angeles, and the UK, Kristen boasts extensive experience in diverse styles.

No matter the choreographic challenge, Krissy is dedicated to exceeding expectations. Her innate creativity infuses every project she undertakes, ensuring unforgettable performances whether on stage, during sell-out tours, or at intimate private functions. Her ability to captivate audiences knows no bounds, leaving them mesmerized by her artistry.

Beyond her artistic endeavors, Krissy holds a deep commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community. She approaches each individual with sensitivity and respect, adapting her choreography to celebrate diversity and inclusion. Whether choreographing for a major production or a private event, Krissy’s passion shines through, promising an experience that is both empowering and unforgettable. In Krissy’s capable hands, your vision will not only be realized but elevated to new heights, ensuring an extraordinary journey through movement and expression.

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